Thursday, 25 September 2014

The Nursery!

What do you I do while we wait?  Well, I probably spend a little too much time thinking about and planning the nursery!  Who says you can't nest if you are waiting for an adoption placement?  Hubby, on the other hand, doesn't feel the need to get too much nursery stuff done and so, sad to say, half of my nursery is still an office :)   

There are a few different opinions out there about when the right time is to get the baby's room ready and when to buy supplies:

1. Get it all ready as soon as you are approved to adopt and then close the door.

2.  Get it all ready as soon as you are approved to adopt and then go in and out of the room several times a day...sit in the chair...dream about baby....tweak the room a bit....think about what else you need to buy...etc...etc...etc...

3. Get it ready once you have been chosen by a birthmother (which sometimes happens at the time of birth, so you may have 2 months - no time at all). With this option it is possible that you will have to do the nursery while you have the baby already at home!  Yikes! 

4. Do only the bare minimum until the adoption is past the crucial 10 day period (adoptions can be revoked before the 10 days).  With this option you would buy diapers and other essentials only.

For us, we had to make a few compromises :)  Ben was thinking that if I put my heart into doing up the room and making a quilt for the baby, and then we never got chosen or it took a long time (2-3 years), that it would be too hard on us (especially me, lol). We would eventually have to take it all apart and sell everything.  While that possibility is quite real, I still really wanted to get everything ready once we were approved!  I couldn't see myself feeling ready unless I physically had the room done!  

And, I just really wanted to do it :)

So..... here is the progress:

The first move I made in doing up this room was to choose some cool fabrics for the baby's quilt!
Making quilts is one of my favourite things to do, and sewing this one for the baby was very special to me.  I chose
a pinwheel pattern because I think it is just so classic and cutesy.
You may not notice, but I still need to sew the outer binding onto this quilt :)
This is a bird mobile that I sewed before Logan was born.  I did a gender neutral nursery
 that time too, so it was easy to work it into this room. 
This is a vintage applique quilt that my mom made sometime in the 70's.  Each square has a different
adorable picture and I just love it!

These little cowboy boots were handed down to us by Ben's nieces :)  They have now
been worn by 3 little ones.
So, as you can see, Ben let me go for it in there ;)  I avoided taking pictures of the other side of the room that has the office desk and printer, lol.  That side will be the future home of the change table/dresser. I know that this room will slowly evolve as we wait and as I get new ideas.  Somewhere in there I would like to add some artwork with the text, "you are so loved."   


  1. I love it! You can see the love you're putting into the nursery. It will be a very loved and lucky baby. <3

  2. I love the artwork .... and the mobile .... and the quilt ..... it looks great!

  3. I SOOO relate to your desire to decorate a nursery. I did it too :) Looks beautiful!

  4. Love the nursery Ali! Wonderful way to anticipate!


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